If you sought a financial makeover you may have experienced the aspect of personal bankruptcy affecting your ability to get a good job. Many government and law enforcement jobs have routinely checked credit however since 9/11 occurred it has filtered into many other types of work as well. Pre-employment checks often consist of a credit report, among other things.
Many companies have taken the stance that character and productivity come with good credit. There are plenty of bad people in the world with bad credit. We all know them. But a lot of jobs look at how we handle our personal credit as an indicator of how we will perform under their direction.
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It's a tough situation in a tough job market. With fewer jobs many employers will use credit as a tool to eliminate potential candidates. It's becoming more common that people are being investigated.
Many employers feel that poor credit is a sign of poor character and an inability to be responsible. It's a tough time for many. Be advised there is a bankruptcy law that prevents employers from discriminating against you if you have been bankrupt. Current employees do not have to revisit the issue if they are up for a promotion in their company.
If you are applying for a job and have been bankrupt then consider doing the following:
Be honest about your bankruptcy. Tell them what happened, why it happened, and what you have done to correct it. It is so much easier to just put it on the table. You don't want to work for someone who looks down on you for being honest.
You are supposed to be notified in writing if your credit is to be used in the job hiring process and they must get your authorization. Read everything you sign.
It's hard to go after an employer for firing or not hiring because a bankruptcy is on your credit. They'll probably never admit it. Most people have other issues that an employer or potential employer can claim besides bankruptcy. Get a copy of your credit reports and use an attorney if you have legal questions.
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